A vista is a cut through the trees,
Which opens the view
unobscured by the leaves,
Some distant panorama unique,
gorge or valley creek,
Of ocean white caps or building quaint.
Always a sight to touch the soul of a saint.
But to me, Vista is leadership by
creating opportunity.
Education, its lamp, the light with which to see.
Seen by pioneers who transform themselves,
through knowing their philosophy, mission, its aim;
Before they loft the mirror propelling the brilliance as if it were flame.
Pioneers declare for what they stand,
Create and implement their plan.
To lead one must know the path
while willingly shouldering the wrath.
For it's shallow and lazy to throw the stone,
If they stand for nothing and experience the vista alone.
For what, young pioneer, do you stand?
What principle, what dream burns within,
boiling to the surface to be grand?
What do you want more than anything else to share?
What is it? How much integrity do you dare?
For it's shallow and lazy to throw the stone,
If you stand for nothing and experience the vista alone.
Ahhhhh! ... , it's shallow and lazy to throw the stone,
If I stand for nothing and experience the vista alone.